Winnie and babies need foster by May 24th
Winnie and babies need out of the shelter by tomorrow 5-24-2023
Urgent appeal foster for young mom and her 5 babies.
Winnie and babies need out of the shelter by tomorrow 5-24-2023
Urgent appeal foster for young mom and her 5 babies.
These sisters were rescued by a local vet, provided medical care and now need a foster home where they will be loved and groomed daily (or work wi
Nicolas is a sweet 2 yr old French lop boy. He recently developed two large lumps on his body which require surgery - His current family surrende
The CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has just confirmed rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus serotype 2 (RHDV2) in Santa Clara County. Jackrabbit carcasses collected in Byxbee Park in Palo Alto tested positive for RHDV2. This disease is now considered endemic in most western states of the USA.
This disease only affect rabbits and hares -- both wild and domestic.
It is roughly 70% to 80% fatal for all infected lagomorphs.
This virus lasts for up to 105 days on surfaces, such as shoes and clothing.
Fosters needed ASAP – Small, med or large rabbits. Please let me know if you can help. Foster homes needed by 2-11-2023.
Back open on Jan 2, 2023
Please plan ahead for meds or services your rabbit may need.
Albert, Kabuki and Noodle need out by Sunday or the shelter WILL BE Faced with euthanasia decisions.
Soquel Award Program Honors the Achievement of The Rabbit Haven
The Rabbit Haven has been selected for the 2022 Best of Soquel Award in the Pet Adoption Service category by the Soquel Award Program.
Mitzli needs foster by Sunday 10-30 and Mocha and Tux need foster next week. In addition the pair of Lionheads Chanan and Mazion