Thank you to everyone who stepped forward to foster and help.
The Rabbit Haven scrambled fast to get out all five rabbits with end dates from the shelter
In partnership with HRS and Our Pack we were able to get all five out
Hennessey went to House Rabbit society in Richmond. Tiger went to Our Pack rabbit rescue so she could be spayed the next day! Zahariel, Radcliff and Benny came to the Rabbit Haven .
Thank you to Sarah (shelter advocate) -Kim (foster trainer) and -new fosters Monique and Jennifer who stepped up to foster. Zahariel is in Medical site Santa Cruz - Benny is in the hospital in critical condition with a collapsed lung. Wish them well. Send donations if you can at . We will truly need help to support Zahaeil & Benny especially .
Love to all, Auntie Heather

Help please. We need a Christmas miracle.
Please help one of these shelter rabbits. All need out by 12-24 or 12-25. Please give them the gift of life and love for Christmas.
Fosters provided with Set up supply, and Haven pays for vet care. You provide the love.
We need four fosters. Three of these rabbits need vet care. Medicines come with the rabbit to you Will you help please?
Rabbits needing rescue and foster support: Hennessy (hurt eye), Tiger (needs spay), Radcliff, (slight mobility issues) and the sweetest black bunny Zahariel. (has bad bite on face)! They are hurting and need our fast support now.
We also have a new mom and a litter just born today.
Call 831- 239-7119 or 831 600-7479 Ask for Heather Email at ASAP please.
We had hoped they could be extended. Sarah is at shelter doing all that she can to get extension. If they are granted they will only be for 3 days
How you can help: 1. Foster 2. Donate to their support
3. Volunteer to take them to vet apts.
Ok - Call me right away please. Auntie Heather