Brady is safe. We have two people who have offered to take him in temporarily - Thank you so much Sara and Joan. Working out details now. - Thank you so much for caring. I will keep you posted on this sweet boy

Hello out there - my name is Brady. I was dumped at a local shelter recently and really feel depressed about that. I know I need to look on the bright side - At least I have food and fresh water and even a litter box! But the shelter will not let me stay here. I wonder if you might have a place in your home for me?
I really hope so. I want a family so much and now I only have until Mon Nov 19th to leave this shelter.
The Rabbit Haven said they will send out my message to you and that maybe you might welcome me into your home – What do you think? I am pretty friendly even though I have been though unpleasant times. The Rabbit Haven will also provide my first vet exam and neuter.
Will you help me please? Maybe right away???
Please call this number if you can, ok? 831 239-7119. You can also email Ok then, I really hope you read my message and will help save my life. I am feeling so worried. Ok Call now. They stay up late at The Rabbit Haven.
Love, Brady