Aria – Sweet rabbit mom from Las Vegas rescue –Urgent medical need resulted in surgery.
Aria developed a severe mammary gland and abdominal abscess which required immediate surgery. Her abdominal skin was so friable and her nipples worn from many back to back litters that her abdomen finally gave way with this last litter and she needed urgent surgery to save her life.
Sadly this is a huge surgery affecting all of her mammary system so she could not be returned to her babies post surgery. She loves her babies so much. she is one of the most affectionate moms we have had in a long while.
Her abscess was over 5” long in some part 3” wide. A large patch of necrotic tissue was discovered and had to be removed as well.
Aria is on heavy antibiotics, critical care food, and has her injury site cleaned twice daily. Her first surgery occurred on March 23rd and her second surgery was performed on 3-26 by Dr Hilary Stern of Animal Hospital of Soquel. She is in medical foster care receiving round the clock care.
Her first surgery alone was 900.00. I have not seen the last bill yet. I only know that she has several surgeries ahead of her.
Please help Aria get well and be able to return to her babies.(photo of Aria with her babies.
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Aria has had several surgeries and it has taken weeks to heal to the extent that she could go in for her last big surgery. Finally on Wednesday 4-11th, she was able to have her major wound closed by Dr Hillary Stern/ Animal Hospital of Soquel.
The attached photo shows the extent of her injury and how well she is healing.
Unless she has any problem, her sutures will be removed on 4-25th. After a week to recover she may be spayed then ready for adoption. Aria is the most loving rabbit I have cared for. She is so patient and sweet.
I look forward to bringing her in to see her babies so she can see them once again. It must be hard for her as she was such a loving mom. She had to leave her babies when they were only 4 weeks of age. Send many get well wishes to Aria.
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Aria's letter
Hello friends, I am alone hopping around the Mother's Den. I am looking at all of the Family Pictures of the Moms who were here before me. I sat on the couch reading their private letters to all Mom's. I am so sad reading their letters. Now sadly, I have just put up my family picture along with my letter.
I am going to have an operation later on this afternoon by Dr. Hilary Stern of Animal Hospital of Soquel. Dr Stern came in on her day off just to help me. The operation is a result of my having too many back to back kits. I was rescued from Los Vegas by Bunnies Matter in Vegas Too and then my babies and I came to the Rabbit Haven Family.
My foster parents found a serious problem with me yesterday. The Rabbit Haven worked non-stop to find a Rabbit Veterinarian who could take care of me & perform my operation. My condition is critical.
I heard the surgery will be difficult. I am a bit afraid, but more than anything I miss my babies. So now, I have traveled to see Dr. Stern. My surgery will be today.
I am not worried as much about myself, but about my kits. I am thinking who will care for my kits? Who will teach them life skills about being a house rabbit? I want to see them grow up and find their forever homes. They are only 4 weeks old! I will miss them so much.
We had a Group Hug as I told my kits the sad news. I am not sure they all understood. We were crying together. Then, I took my little ones to Mrs. Hedgehog. Mrs. Hedgehog will care for my kits as her own.
I gave each one of my kits a kiss on their heads. I told each one their special name and said goodbye.
I don't know what will happen to me. Jovie, my friend and also a nursing mom, said that she will help nurse Baby for me. I am so worried about Baby. I am a very proud Mom of Baby. Baby may be the smallest but Baby is so independent and strong. My other kits are strong and I know Mrs. Hedgehog will take good care of them.
The Rabbit Haven found the best Doctor for my care. I am at the clinic now. They gave me pain medications, strong antibiotics and fluids. Before I have this surgery I want to ask you for your support –I know my surgery and hospitalization will be expensive.
I would like to ask you to donate if you can to
I so hope I can make it back to my babies. Please send me healing energy and lots of love to my little babies too.
With all of my Love, Aria