== 10-Jul-2019 ==
Sprit is now home with this new forever family – All healed and ready to carry on his life.
== 07-Jul-2019 ==
Sweet Spirit went in for his vet exam Thursday 6-6th . Sadly the vet found a nasty abscess on his foot which required surgery. He made it through that surgery and she was also able to neuter him. So his transfer to his permanent home has to be delayed. The vet wants to be certain the foot is healing properly so he sees Dr Stern again on Monday 6-10th. If he is healing well and no further surgery is needed he goes off to his new mom in Vacaville this Wednesday! Thank you for Michelle and Mike who will be taking him home! For now Spirit is in medical foster in Santa Cruz. Thank you everyone for your message and kind support.
To contribute to his care click here https://www.therabbithaven.org/cash-donations

Spirit came into the shelter soaking wet, covered in mud.
He was so dirty and barely able to move.
He suffered terrible urine scald on his back end as well!
The shelter gave him a bath and Haven grooming staff had him out two days for grooming – a new rabbit emerged.
However, as improved and sweet as he is the shelter has issued a hard date when he needs to leave the shelter.
June 6th - We have two days to scramble to find him foster or rescue.
Spirit is well named - he loves cuddling pets and is making up for lost time eating all he can.
Will you offer him a place in your home so he can heal and get adopted.
Call me if you can help – this rabbit will melt your heart and bring you joy!
We can transport to you in Greater Bay Area 75 mile radius of Silicon Valley, CA.
Call 831 239-7119 831 6007479 and email Director@therabbithaven.org