A letter from Sammie, a shelter rabbit.
Hello out there, – I am in a shelter and I am in trouble. I came in with hurt feet from the nasty place I lived, then they got injured more when I was running for my life when I was dumped - I feel sad about that because I did not do anything wrong but Now I just need to move forward .
So here I am at a shelter and they are very full and don’t have enough staff to care for me, so I have to go. ) ;
I need to find someone out there who will foster me so I can live and have time to heal. Will you help me please? I promise to be a good boy. I am gentle and loving. About 3.5 pounds.
My feet got a bit scraped and they are a bit red, but I can walk. I will be just fine. I have been able to clean up my rex fur here since the shelter gives me soft hay and a litter box and fleece to rest on. But I need your help: I have only until 9-18 to leave the shelter!
Do you have a little space in your home for me? Haven said they can loan you a pen for me, fleece flooring (yes), a litter box and food water dishes. They will even pay to have me go in to get medicine for my feet and other stuff I need. Does that sound good? I need out by 9-18 – That is really soon. Please help me…
Just call auntie at # 831 239-7119 or email her director@therabbithaven.org and she can get me out of the shelter and to you - Please help me- I need you so much. I hope you will want me.