I was abandoned at a shelter a few days ago. That was awful. One minute I was home, the next discarded. I do not know why my family did not want me anymore. I am very sweet and a nice bunny.
Here I am in my shelter photo ) ;
I was heartbroken when I realized I have been abandoned. Now, I am frightened and doing my best to survive and find a loving human who will help rescue me.
I have been given a review date here at the shelter so that means I can’t even stay here at the shelter! Gives new meaning to not being wanted. It is really hard to keep positive. I am feeling shaky and I am doing my best to keep my spirits up but it is hard to do here.
I was listening to the other rabbits here and I learned a bunch! One thing is that having a review date is serious. It means I Have to leave and soon. I am scared about this. Right now because I have a wet nose I have only until March 14th to leave here.
I am so hoping that you will help.
I have friends at the Rabbit Haven that are helping me post. They will share all the medical info they have and even transport me to you. They will see that I am neutered and get to the vet. All the Haven fosters are super full so they are posting my plea for help. Plus they will bring me to you. Do you have space for me in your family?
Since this is an urgent situation, please call and Email Auntie Heather she will do the rest. Hurry, ok? The sooner I can get out the better. I am located in silicon Valley, CA
Please help me. Call 831 239-7119 and email Director@therabbithaven.org ASAP ok?