Updated 14-Aug-2019
Ava was rescued and she is currently healing in foster
Fiona was rescued and had vet exam by vet and orthopedic specialist. She is secure in foster. On Friday she has an adopter who will be adopting her to love forever.
Stanley was rescued from the shelter and visited with a vet today for his exam and neuter. His teeth were trimmed today and all of his front incisors will need to be removed. That surgery will need to come in about 3 weeks. Stanley also has a blocked tear duct which is being flushed and he went home on antibiotics, eye drops and pain medication. He is currently in foster care. He will need a sponsor.
Roger was rescued from the shelter and saw his vet today. He was examined and his injury on his mouth attended. He went home end of day to foster with antibiotics, pain meds- He needs a sponsor.
Casey was rescued from the shelter and visited with his vet today. His eye was checked and treated. No difficult surgery was required and there was no injury to his eye. (Hurray!) Casey was neutered and went to recover at one of our medical fosters sites. In a day or two he will move into a new foster.
Hansel is still at the shelter – both the Rabbit Haven and HRS (another excellent rescue) are working to get him out he has been extended to 8-17
To sponsor contact Heather Director@therabbithaven.org 831 239-7119 831 600-7479
Fosters and sponsors still needed. Some of the fosters are short term only

These bunnies need you
Fiona –End date 8-9) one pound baby with back leg (break or malformation) and the sweetest disposition. She says:”HI my name is Fiona and I need help. I was abandoned here at the shelter and even though I never did anything wrong, I cannot stay here because my leg does not look like the other rabbits. It is broken. I have a vet waiting to help me. I am starting to feel anxious. I do not know what is going to happen to me. I love hugs and kisses and I am a very good bunny girl. They say I am about 3.5 weeks old. Will you offer me a sweet place to live”? I learned how to use a litter box already. It just needs to be a bit low as I am so small and my leg sticks out. Please call Auntie Heather to let her know you can help. 831 239-7119 You can email too if you like director@therabbithaven.org. Can you email soon?
Oh if you like you can help in another way. My care to fix my leg will take money so you can donate here: https://www.therabbithaven.org/cash-donations
Stanley (end date 8-11): Stanley was left at a shelter as his teeth grow too long. He needs someone to love him who will also take him to his vet apts for his teeth- It looks like they may need to be removed! First things first- Here is a note from Roger. “Hi there, I am worrying because I am here in a shelter and since my teeth are growing too long- I cannot stay here. They do not have medical care to fix my teeth so I need to go into a rescue or foster place where my human can take me to see a special vet to fix my teeth, and then I will be able to eat. I am small and otherwise healthy and I love to be held.
I am scared. So will you please help me? I have only until 8-11th to leave the shelter. The haven will do all in their power to find me a space, get my medical support and pay7 my costs I just need you to call and offer me a p0lace to live. As soon as my teeth are fixed I can be adopted! Please help me
You can adopt- foster or help with my care. To learn more call 831 600-7479 or email Director@therabbithavne.org Call ASAP please. https://www.therabbithaven.org/cash-donations
Roger (end date 8-12)
Hi everyone, my name is Roger. I am at a shelter and have Very little time left. My mouth has an injury and I need vet care. I can still eat but I do need to see a vet and get on antibiotics and have the bump looked at – Sadly due to limited shelter staff I have to leave and soon. By 8-11)
I need a foster or rescue right away please. Once there I can see a vet Haven covers that) and I may need medications too. I am pretty easy going. I do not want to die. Will you please help me?
You can foster me, rescue me or contribute to support the vet care I need. Will you please help? This is my only chance to reach you so I hope you read my letter. I know there are so many other rabbits here that need out too. We are all pulling for each other. Rabbit Haven can provide my foster set up, pay for vet apts, and will even help me get to adoption shows later when I am well. Sound good? If you have any ideas or want to help call right away 831 600-7479 or email director@therabbithaven.org
Hello – My name is Ava and I am a young bunny girl who has been kept in such horrific condition that I lost most of the fur on all fours legs. I was almost starved to death. When I came to the shelter I was so happy to see food and clean water and kind people to care for me. I have really bad urine scald as my conditions did not allow me to clean myself as I would normally would. Now I really need help. I am not even allowed to stay at this shelter due to my current physical condition. You see, the shelter does not have enough staff to care for me so I hope that may be you can help. The Rabbit Haven will set me up with you in a sweet marchiaro or x pen room. If you can take me to my vet apts and feed me, I will get well. I just need medicine and a clean environment and your loving support. Please help me get well. Call Heather right away if you will work with me to get better. Haven pays all medical – 831 600-7479. Or email director@therabbithaven.org I am starting to really worry. I have only until 8-14
Oh, I can have sponsors- if you cannot foster can you sponsor me?