Fosters needed ASAP – Small, med or large rabbits. Please let me know if you can help. Foster homes needed by 2-11-2023. We can set up mid week of on Saturday 2-11 in los Gatos. Rabbits that need foster: Adorable pair, Ashley and Tavi; Sweet sisters, Imala and Eira; Affectionate Roo, a sweet n male; Charming Michelangelo , a small boy; Vesper and Polo, An amazing lop/rex pair; and pretty Fiona, a Dutch. Please check to see if you have space to help.
The Haven provides full set up for fosters Including: x pen, floor covers, food water dishes litter box and a full education packet.
All these rabbit need foster by 2-11 at the latest. Call me ASAP 831 239-7119 Email director@therabbithaven.org
Please help if you have even one space for one of these rabbits.